Thursday, October 22, 2015

This just happened tonight at the grocery store?!?!

OMGosh! I have a real true awesome God moment to share, I feel so happy‼

I picked up Chad from lacrosse at 6pm and we (extremely randomly) stopped into the Winn-Dixie in Seffner, where we NEVER shop, FYI. He was all sweaty and I had my “normal” NOT getting out of the car “house dress” on and dirty hair. Anyway, timing is all God’s. So we went to pay and the people in front of us were short on money. Chad and I looked at each other, and I said “oh I should pay for them” and said “you don’t even have any money either” and I said “I know right”. It looked like they were getting some cash out but it turned out they were having the cashier take things off of the bill. I could not stand it and before I knew it I said “are you putting things back?” and the woman said “yes” and I said to the cashier “how much are they short?” and she said “$15” so I said “I will pay for it, put it on mine” and the cashier said “are you sure?” and I said “YES, definitely” and the lady immediately turned and gave me the biggest hug and I hugged her back twice as much! Then the man said “God bless you” and I looked over to say ‘thank you, you too’ and he had tears in his eyes. I went over and gave him a big hug and kissed him on the cheek and I told the little group “the funny thing is I am on unemployment and am not even working right now, so ya’ll pray for us as well” and they thanked me again. Then, I wasn’t paying attention, but I guess Chad grabbed his cell phone and taped the very end of it. I will post. BUT WAIT there’s more! Then the manager came over and handed me a gift card for $15 and I almost died. She said “I saw what you did and that was so nice of you, thank you”. I said “hey, we’re all in this together, right?!” I thanked her and hugged her too. I did not even notice the message on the back of the gift card until we were in the parking lot?!

PS - I recently went to counseling & confession at church and the priest told me to ask God to help me see his love for me in my life. #AMEN #GodWinks

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

OMGosh?! I just HAVE to share this!! So sweet and amazing!!!

Chad just came in here and said "I have to tell you a secret"…
He said “I sent a letter to ellen and told her about you for your birthday and waited and it's been 2 weeks so I guess she is not going to call you” :(
I said "OMGosh, when did you do it, how, etc.?"
and he said “I did it at dad's, I needed him to submit it cuz I am under 18 yrs. old, and it was really good and had almost 1500 words! the max on the website”
I said “it doesn't matter if she replies, that is just so great that you did it, do you have a copy, I would love to see it!”

so he sent it to me:

I would like to tell you my story about my mom, Karla Gibson. My mom currently is divorced and a single mom of me (Chad) and my brother Kyle (13). She is also currently unemployed and trying to get a job. She has a Facebook group called "25 Days of Kindness 2013", it is a group she started in 2013 to start a kindness group and have people share their stories of good deeds and inspire others to do so as well. She has over 1000 members of the group and has been featured in the local news twice. She is a role model not only to my brother and I, but to the whole community. She helps the homeless, attends charity services such as Metropolitan Ministries, and does small things like paying for the meals behind her at a drive thru, or anything similar to that. She has inspired me to serve others as well, I do charity and service for my Church, and I also participate in LifeTeen, a Catholic organization that leads teens closer to Christ. I want to go to many trips and retreats with my group so sometimes we try to get financial aid for stuff we can't afford. Her 50th birthday is coming up (Sept. 27th) and I have been told by her forever to contact you but I never have done so. It is a dream of hers to meet you and she watches your show every time it airs, and I thought it would be the best present every if you were to respond to this and she would be able to meet you. Since I am 16 my dad, Scott Gibson, has read and approved of this letter and I provided his information to you.

Not bragging just so really truly surprised and proud - puts everything in perspective. Thanks for reading friends.

ps - the funny part is when he says I always tell him to "contact her", that is so LOL and true...every time she highlights a "pay it forward" type thing I get all LOUD and holler at the boys "HEY, why don't you guys ever write to ellen about me, we need money too?!?!" lol